The first season of AMC's new original series The Killing is nearly over. The season finale is this Sunday at 10pm. If you haven't hear of it, haven't gotten around to watching it, or assumed it wasn't worth watching, then stop reading this now, head over to and catch up. Give it one episode, just one, and I promise you'll be hooked.
I honestly can't remember the last show I've followed that had so many baffling twists and turns. Not bad twists though. They're great. Every few episodes, the writers have you convinced that someone is guilty, there's just no possible way they're not, and then BAM, they slap you in the face and show you how innocent they are. And you're not like, "Ohhh come on! You expect me to believe that?!?!" No. You're like "Holy f*ck, how'd you do that?! Really, seriously, how'd you do that?"
It's the best show on TV right now. Really, it is. I'm amazed at the quality stories that AMC has year round. Breaking Bad, Mad Men, The Walking Dead (which admittedly needs to step up its game next season), and now The Killing.
It's probably the best network in the game today.
So again, if you haven't checked out The Killing yet, then get off your ass and cram in some episodes, cause the season finale is headed this way and you don't wanna miss it. I know I won't.